


A Dancewalk is a mix between dance and walk, a dance continuously forward going. Usually performed over several kilometers through a city or a landscape, Foofwa develops now indoor versions that allow us to see the specific movements of dancewalking in a new perspective.

After Dancewalk- Retroperspective, here is another Dancewalk for an enclosed space: Voyage, a duet for Foofwa d’Imobilité and Alex Landa Aguirreche. Within an enclosed space, audience and performers together, apprehend with intimacy the freedom of traveling through dance, in body and spirit.

Voyage has a flexible format, a result of the dialogue with the inviting structure, between Foofwa’s ideas and inspiration and the organizers’ reality.

Suivant d’habiles et sensibles médiateurices, le public migre autour de deux protagonistes, proposant un déplacement de soi par le corps et l’esprit.

Pris au piège de l’être-dans-le-monde, confinés en leur être social, prisonniers de la civilisation, les corps des deux protagonistes demandent à sortir. Leurs gestes désirent le loin. Leurs actes exigent l’aventure hors de ce moi plein de compromis, d’injonctions, de mensonges, de violences. 

Sorties des conventions, libérations des immobilismes, voyages hors conformismes, échappatoires des injonctions sociétales, ils voyagent afin d’être encore plus soi, afin d’être enfin tels quels, en espérant que cela posera de meilleures bases pour un être-ensemble vrai, juste, beau.



Concept, choreography and text: Foofwa d’Imobilité

Interpreters : Foofwa d’Imobilité, Alex Landa Aguirreche, Alizée Sourbé

Production : Neopost Foofwa

Administration / communication : Alizée Sourbé

Production / diffusion : Alex Landa Aguirreche

Neopost Foofwa (2018-2020) receives joint support from the City of Geneva,  the Republic and Canton of Geneva, and Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council

See Past Dates

06 Feb 2021
Zentrale Pratteln

The show during the Swiss Dance Days 2021 is canceled & reported in 2022 because of the sanitary situation.

05 Feb 2021
Zentrale Pratteln

The show during the Swiss Dance Days 2021 is canceled & reported in 2022 because of the sanitary situation.

19 Dec 2019
Voyage Attakkalari
Attakkalari Studio
7 pm

Invited by Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts

Supported by Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia

Pro Helvetia New Delhi is part of the Swiss Arts Council’s worldwide network of liaison offices

12 Dec 2019
Voyage Imphal
Skating Rink, Folkland Park
7 pm

Invited by Arts and Imphal, originally based in Imphal, Manipur, India, and delocalized for security reasons at Aizawl, Mizoram, India

Supported by Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia

Pro Helvetia New Delhi is part of the Swiss Arts Council’s worldwide network of liaison offices

04 Dec 2019
Voyage Khoj
Khoj Studios
7 pm

Invited by Khoj International Artists’ Association

Supported by Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia

Pro Helvetia New Delhi is part of the Swiss Arts Council’s worldwide network of liaison offices